1. We The People
2. Infiltrate The System
3. Revolt
4. No Escape
5. Takeover
6. Renegades
7. Set Me Free
8. The Messenger
9. Liberty Or Death
10.A Novelty
11.You're Gone
12.P.Y.I.T.F. Part 3
13.Stand Up NY

•1. The Birth and Death of the Day
•2. Welcome, Ghosts
•3. It's Natural To Be Afraid
•4. What Do You Go Home To?
•5. Catastrophe and the Cure
•6. So Long, Lonesome

01. No Paradise
02. Oh, Katrina (Interlude)
03. No Future
04. Athem For The New Millenium Generation
05. Corporate Rock Still Sucks
06. John Ashcroft Was A Nazi (Interlude)
07. Marc Defiant
08. No Borders No Nations (Live)
09. 1 Trillion Dollars (Live)
10. Turncoat (Live)
11. The Project For A New American Century (Live)
12. 911 For Peace (Live)

1. Intro
2. Same Shade As Concrete
3. Crowquill
4. In The Nervous Light Of Sunday
5. Interview At The Ruins
6. Non-Objective Portrait Of Karma
7. Kill The Switch
8. A Crater To Cough In

1- Into the labyrinth
2- Singing dead men
3- A new dawn
4- Beauty and delight
5- Dreamland
6- Gloomy shadows
7- Shame
8- Body move
9- When the rain is falling…
10- I remember (everything)
11- Lucifer
12- Sunrise
13- Behind your mask
14- Engelsblut
15- Escape (outro)
pass: www.chilewarez.org

1 The Rapture
2 Bonecrusher
3 Sick or Sane
4 Can't Be Saved
5 Calling All Cars
6 Shark Attack
7 Still Searching
8 To All The Crowded Rooms
9 Lost And Found
10 Every Day is a Struggle
11 All The Best Cowboys
12 Negative Space
13 The Priest and the Matador
14 Can't be Saved (acoustic)
15 Calling All Cars (acoustic)
16 Lost And Found (acoustic)
Pass: http://scream-for-live.blogspot.com/
saludos gracias x el aporte!

1 Rusty Rake
2 Better Place
3 Big Thumbs
4 Drunk on a Bike
5 Manuel
6 My Mold Collection
7 Bumper Stickers
8 Eric's Had a Bad Day
9 King of Skin
10 Mutated Dog
11 Bizarre Novelties
12 Lovely Little Frankenstein
13 One Last Loveshove
Pass: www.chilewarez.org
saludos perritos!

1. Turnpike Gates
2. Young, Loud And Scotty
3. Francie Nolan
4. 25 Cent Giraffes
5. Hey Catrine
6. Bringin' It Backwards
7. How We Are
8. Theme Song For A New Brunswick Basement Show
9. Cut The Tension
10. Truth About Lars, The
11. Boy's No Good, The
12. Verona Kings, The
Pass: www.chilewarez.org

1.Algo mejor
2.Incierta realidad
3.Marcela caballero
4.Que mas da
5.Tiempo perdido
9.Resiste el odio
10.No hay razon para seguir
13.Nada podrá cambiar
14.Mamá esta presa
pass: www.chilewarez.org
saludos y pasen el blog p oe!!

1. 10:45 Amsterdam Conversations
2. Red Is The New Black
3. The Art Of American Football
4. The Getaway Plan
5. This Year´s Most Open Heartbreak
6. Kiss And Makeup
7. Escape Artists Never Die
saludos!!! vale x el aporte!

Track listing
1. "The Opening Departure" - 1:58
2. "She Will Love You" - 4:16
3. "Teenage Queen" - 3:24
4. "Hurt Me" - 3:24
5. "One Love" - 3:25
6. "Moment" - 3:44
7. "Darkness" - 3:49
8. "Son of Lies" (Featuring Efrem Schultz From Death By Stereo) - 3:20
9. "Believe" - 3:07
10. "Bliss" - 3:18
11. "The Sky is Falling" - 3:06

1. We The People
2. Infiltrate The System
3. Revolt
4. No Escape
5. Takeover
6. Renegades
7. Set Me Free
8. The Messenger
9. Liberty Or Death
10.A Novelty
11.You're Gone
12.P.Y.I.T.F. Part 3
13.Stand Up NY

Blood Children (An Introduction)
Bleeding Mascara
Right Side Of The Bed
This Flesh A Tomb
You Eclipsed By Me
The Crimson
The Remembrance Ballad
An Interlude
Demonology And Heartache
My Sanity On The Funeral Pyre
Nevada's Grace
Five Vicodin Chased With A Shot Of Clarity
You Give Love A Bad Name
Pass: http://scream-for-live.blogspot.com/

Lista de Temas:
1. Intro
2. Malos Recuerdos
3. Contaminar
4. No te Salvarán
5. Autoridad?
6. El Santo Imperio
7. Calabozos
8. Cuantos Morirán
9. Todo lo que Das
10. La Sombra del que Fui
11. Hijos del Dolor
12. Condenados
13. Parásito
14. Un Producto
Pass: www.chilewarez.org

01- la muerte se sostiene en cotidianos lamentos
02- derramar
03- solo y minúsculo
04- el silencio abraza colmado de paciencia
05- sed de culpas

01. Seperation
02. Nothing Left
03. An Ocean Between Us
04. Within Destruction
05. Forsaken
06. Comfort Betrays
07. I Never Wanted
08. Bury Us All
09. The Sound of Truth
10. Departed
11. Wrath Upon Ourselves
12. This is Who We Are
saludos xuncoco xD

1. Acid Rain
2. Tone Deaf
3. Guilt Trip
4. Hardball
5. The Application
6. Paying To Play
7. Say It
8. Dry Heaves
9. Don't Ask
10. Time Out
11. Let It Go
12. You
13. The Target
pass: www.chilewarez.org
saludos! y agradescan p qls!!

1. "Shadetree Mechanics" - 3.17
2. "You Should Be Ashamed Of Myself" - 2.35
3. "Threes Away" - 4.09
4. "Asleep On The Frontlines" - 5.35
5. "Platonic Sleepover Massacre" - 1.06
6. "Starving Artiste" - 2.36
7. "The Silver Lining" - 2.18
8. "Some Just Vanish" - 2.54
9. "Breathing Room Barricades" - 5.00
10. "Beheaded My Way" - 3.13
11. "My Bitter Half" - 3.23

1. "Brianstorm" – 2:50
2. "Teddy Picker" – 2:43
3. "D Is for Dangerous" – 2:16
4. "Balaclava" – 2:49
5. "Fluorescent Adolescent" – 2:57
6. "Only Ones Who Know" – 3:02
7. "Do Me a Favour" – 3:27
8. "This House Is a Circus" – 3:09
9. "If You Were There, Beware" – 4:34
10. "The Bad Thing" – 2:23
11. "Old Yellow Bricks"
12. "505" – 4:13

Género: Pop Punk
Origen: Chile
Calidad: Mp3 128 kbps
01. Mañana
02. Tal Vez
03. Tendrás Que Esperarme
04. Cuéntame
05. Chiru
06. Alguien
07. Cierro La Puerta
08. La Última Balada De Amor
09. Detén El Tiempo
10. Injusto
11. Último Intento
12. Vincent

1. Playa (single mix)
2. No me digas que no si quieres decirme que sí
3. Las cosas que van más lento (demo)
4. Rosita quiere ser una pornostar (demo)
5. Demasiada confusión (en vivo)
6. Miss intoxic llega a la disco (en vivo)
7. Quiero estar anfetaminado (en vivo)

01. B For My Name Listen
02. 14th St. Break Listen
03. Suco De Tangerina Listen
04. The Gala Event Listen
05. Electric Worm Listen
06. Freaky Hijiki Listen
07. Off The Grid Listen
08. The Rat Cage Listen
09. The Melee Listen
10. Dramastically Different Listen
11. The Cousin Of Death Listen
12. The Kangaroo Rat

pass: www.chilewarez.org

1 El Norte Está Lleno De Frio
2 Enamorados De Varsovia
3 Harto De Ser El Malo Del Lugar
4 Eres Una Puta
5 Ella Saltó Por La Ventana
6 No Me Gusta El Trabajo
7 Está Fascinada
8 Bestia, Bestia
9 ¡Que Mal Huelen Los Muertos!
10 Hacer Mucho Ruido
11 Todo Lo Que Digais Que Somos
12 Un Invasor En La Capital
13 Sin Remedio

Artista: Rage Against The Machine
Disco: Evil Empire
Género: Internacionales
Formato: mp3
Bitrate: 128 kbps
Tamaño del archivo: 43,4 MB
Uploader: sugusrojo
Ripper: ¿?
Password: upload by sugusrojo
Información adicional: Evil Empire es el segundo álbum de Rage Against the Machine. Fue lanzado el 15 de abril de 1996, casi 4 años después de la salida de su primera álbum, Rage Against the Machine.
El título del álbum "Evil empire" fue un calificativo usado por el entonces presidente de los Estados Unidos, Ronald Reagan y otros conservadores para describir a la entonces URSS. Pero según la ideología socialista de la banda, este era esgrimido en el sentido contrario, es decir para calificar a los Estados Unidos como el “Evil Empire”.
Evil Empire debutó en el #1 de Billboard Top 200.
Lista de Temas:
1 - "People of the Sun" - 2:30
2 - "Bulls on Parade" - 3:51
3 - "Vietnow" - 4:39
4 - "Revolver" - 5:30
5 - "Snake Charmer" - 3:55
6 - "Tire Me" - 3:00
7 - "Down Rodeo" - 5:20
8 - "Without a Face" - 3:36
9 - "Wind Below" - 5:50
10 - "Roll Right" - 4:22
11 - "Year of tha Boomerang" - 3:59
saludos aportaso!!!

01- El retorno de los chernobillies
02- A ultima puta do mundo
03- Cerveja cerveja
04- Maverick GT
05- Black Cat Jack
06- Mortos Vivos Mutantes
07- O filho do diabo
08- Acho que ela quer
09- Coffin Surfers
10- Virgem Maria + bonus track
ta tudo bem tudo bonito!!

Año: 2006
Género: Post Hardcore
1. Without Regret
2. You Carried Me While We Buried You
3. Lungs That Impress Eternal, The
4. Leave That Man Be
5. Real Men Will Be Found With Their Face Flato On The Ground
6. Leave Of Absence, A
7. If Nothing Is Pending We Will See Results In Eight Days
8. Father Part The Clouds In The Sky
9. Dressed For The Occasion
10. Marvin Gaye And How I Stole Myself

Año: 2002
Género: Post-Hardcore/Emocore
Servidor: Rapidshare
Tracks:01. Andromeda
02. Waitress
03. Dead In Magazines
04. Dana Walker
05. Decoys Like Curves
06. A Man Exits
07. Red Shift
08. Only The Clouds
09. Escape Pods For Intangibles
10. The Bending

Año: 1998
Género: Hardcore
Servidor: Rapidshare
Pais de Origen: Estados Unidos
Tracks:1) Relight
2) Pressing On
3) Trapped
4) Comfort Zone
5) You Say?
6) Saved
7) Taught A Lie
8) Fight
9) Together
10) Blame Yourself
11) Never Look Back
12) Bucket Of Sorrow
13) Hard To Breathe

52 Seconds
Heroes And Martyrs
Germs Of Perfection
New Dark Ages
Requiem For Dissent
Before You Die
Honest Goodbye
Dearly Beloved
Grains Of Wrath
Prodigal Son
The Grand Delusion
Lost Pilgrim
Submission Complete
Fields Of Mars

Plus 44 - When Your Heart Stops Beating (2006)
01. Lycanthrope
02. Baby, Come On
03. When Your Heart Stops Beating
04. Little Death
05. 155
06. Lillian
07. Cliff Diving
08. Interlude
09. Weatherman
10. No It Isn't
11. Make You Smile
12. Chapter XIII

01 Now, Again
02 Prophet
03 The Last Ones
04 The Level
05 July 27th
06 2004
07 Endless Desire
08 Dull Minds
09 Sucker
10 Letters To Lucilio
11 Enigma
12 Cracked Circle
13 My Prayer
14 The Day I Die
pass: www.chilewarez.org

Track List
1 On The Other Side
2 Scream Out
3 The End Is Near
4 Weaons Of Mass Destruction
5 You Can Never Go Home
6 Dead Weight
7 Force Fed
8 Social Damage
9 Waste Of Time
10 Hit And Run
11 We Are All That We Have
12 Flames Have Destroyed
13 Finnal Execution (Armageddon)
14 Paint It Black

1. The Takedown
2. Fighting
3. Shrink the World
4. Keeper
5. Light Up the Sky
6. Shadows and Regrets
7. Five Becomes Four
8. Afraid
9. Date Line (I Am Gone)
10. Dear Bobbie
11. You and Me and One Spotlight
apurenla antes k kgen el link

01.La raza
02. Gozarsoñar
03. Inconciente
04. Olvidando
05. Rompe el silencio
06. Solo por mi
07. Placeres de vidrio
08. Angel
09. Levantate
10. Futuro incierto
11. Ir en contra
12. C.n.i
13. Puertas
pass: www.chilewarez.org

1. Egocentric
2. Don't know what to do
3. Nun
4. Why?
5. Kill my girlfriend's dad

1. Beat the Bastards
2. Affected by Them
3. Don't Blame Me
4. Law for the Rich
5. System Fucked Up
6. They Lie
7. If You're Sad
8. Fightback Listen
9. Massacre of Innocents
10. Police TV
11. Sea of Blood
12. 15 Years
13. Serial Killer
pass: www.chilewarez.org

01.Fell In Love Without You [03:02]
02.This Is For Real [03:12]
03.It Had To Be You [03:41]
04.Last Night [03:24]
05.Calling All Cops [03:22]
06.Can't Finish What You Started [03:56]
07.Conversation [02:45]
08.Broken Heart [03:03]
09.Hello Helicopter [04:19]
10.Where I Belong [03:22]
11.Point Of Extinction [02:38]
12.Antonia [03:13]
13.Even If It Kills Me [03:43]

1)Just Forget My Name
2)These Nights Are Long
3)Wake Me Up
4)An Apology
5)I Won't Tell
6)Whisper of Sin
7)You're Welcome
8)Close Range
9)A Defeated Acomplishment
10)Hand of God
11)Nuclear Sunshine
saluos perritos!

01.- Miseria Cantare (The Beginning)
02.- The Leaving Song Pt. 2
03.- Bleed Black
04.- Silver And Cold
05.- Dancing Through Sunday
06.- Girl's Not Grey
07.- Death Of Seasons
08.- The Great Disappointment
09.- Paper Airplanes (Makeshift Wings)
10.- This Celluloid Dream
11.- The Leaving Song
12.- ...But Home Is Nowhere
saludos y agradescan!

1. Get Your Head Straight - 2:47
2. Swift And Unforgiving - 3:42
3. The Push And Pull - 3:41
4. Up With Me - 3:50
5. The Heirs Of Error - 2:52
6. Let Me Be Your Swear Word - 3:38
7. Hey, Thanks - 3:39
8. Fall For The Drinker - 3:45
9. Apartment 4 - 3:51
10. Reason Ain't Our Long Suit - 3:44
11. It Won't Be Long - 5:32

1 Hyperborea 2:45
2 Murder 4:14
3 The Startling Secret of Super Sapphire 3:18
4 The Beach 1:07
5 Face of Bear 4:03
6 Crickets 1:05
7 New York City 4:50
8 Sex Raptor 3:18
9 The Red Tornado 3:42
10 Crow Town 3:40
11 Treasure Train 2:58
12 His Purple Majesty 3:04
13 Kangarooster Meadows 1:23
14 Rotting Horse 4:28
15 I Think We Are Both Suffering From the Same Crushing Metaphysical Crisis 7:21
16 Lif 4:48

País: Francia
Duración: 67:47 min
Peso: 132 MB
1. Sceptic
2. Being
3. The Inner Quest
4. Neptune's Revenge
5. Stormy Dome
6. World Of Madness
7. End Of Trauma
8. Heal My Pain
9. Questions
10. The Key
11. Black Materia
pass: metal-forever

1. Alien 8
2. Making Friends
3. Unfurnished
4. One Thing to Live
5. Today
6. Confession
7. Bad Scene
8. Smile
9. Twenty-Seven
10. Choke
11. Failure
12. To All My Friends
pass: www.chilewarez.org

1. Black Masks & Gasoline
2. Heaven Knows
3. Dead Ringer
4. Halfway There
5. Like The Angel
6. Voices Off Camera
7. Blood-Red, White, & Blue
8. Broken English
9. Last Chance Blueprint
10. To The Core
11. Torches
12. Amber Changing
13. Hidden Track
14. Anyway You Want It

Año: 2006
Género: Progressive Metalcore
Servidor: Rapidshare.com
Tracks:1.Ground Slayer (06:56)
2.Inheritor (03:25)
3.Transmitter (05:24)
4.Purge (05:06)
5.Pandemonium (04:30)
6.River (03:53)
7.Torch (04:42)
8.Conflux (03:56)
9.Emperor (05:59)
10.Immaculate (06:10)
11.Venerate (12:18)
12.Drapery (04:27)